Manufacturers, Assemblers, Importers and Dealers (MAID) Accreditation Renewal

What this is For:

Manufacturers, Assemblers, Importers and Dealers (MAID) Accreditation Renewal

Where to File:

Land Transportation Office

How to File:

1. Proceed to the MAID Secretariat to submit all required documents.

2. Wait for the Inspector to contact you to confirm the date and time of site inspection within one week.

3. Upon approval of application, secure Payment Order Slip (POS) and proceed to the Cashier to pay the necessary fees and get an Official Receipt.

4. Proceed to the MAID Secretariat to obtain the Certificate of Accreditation when available.

Other Documentary Requirements:

1. Latest Certificate of Accreditation

2. Mayor's Permit

3. Financial Statement or Income Tax Report

4. Official Receipt of latest Payments